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Afsaneh Sanei

The day my dad was lost
Age Group:3+
Author:Afsaneh Sanei
Illustrator:Afsaneh Sanei
Language:German,  French
Abstract:Hadn’t you asked yourself where your dad went every day when you were a child? “At work “for sure.
But what is at work or what it likes can have no clear answer for a little girl.
This picture book shows a little girl with a big question: “where does my dad go every day?” she follows her dad to find out a good answer, but she loses track of him. A big polar bear finds her and helps her to find her home and also a good answer for her important question.
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Who Sneezed from inside the Wall?
Age Group:3+
Author:Afsaneh Sanei
Illustrator:Afsaneh Sanei
Abstract:This is what happens for Sam and his wild friends in the bathroom. They are scared. On the other hand, they want to know who is inside the wall! So, they finally try to overcome their fear and find out what is going on inside the wall.
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