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Hadi Baghdadi

Mr. Charlie and Oliver
Author:Hadi Baghdadi
Illustrator:Hadi Baghdadi
Abstract:Mr. Charlie is an elderly man
who goes out of the house
every morning with his dog
Oliver, for a walk and exercise.
Oliver is an intelligent dog, but
there is a challenge between
him and Mr. Charlie. Oliver is
sensitive to foot odor and this
makes him playful.
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The Big Cow
Author:Hadi Baghdadi
Illustrator:Hadi Baghdadi
Abstract:Lots of calves are born in this village.
But, one day a calf was born, that was different from the others. One calf that was more playful than others. The little girl, who loved the calf so much, gave him milk every day. She was with the calf all day and fed him more and more. Until one day, when the little girl got out of home. she saw something really strange . . .
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